In a few clicks, load your Twitter archive, select tweets to keep or delete using our powerful search features, and watch them get deleted in real-time.
Full control on your Twitter archive history cleanup.
Native app for maximun privacy, security & performance!
Sign in using automatic authentication on the Twitter website directly via OAuth.
This is the most secure authentication method since our app never (nor can) access your password.
Load your Twitter archive in a few seconds. Even for archives that are +10GB in size!
Once your archive is processed, you can select tweets by date (year and month).
In this step, you select which tweets to delete. You can search by keywords or user mentions. You can see your best tweets first, jump to specific dates, choose only tweets/retweets, etc...
Delete up to 30 tweets per week for free!
One-time payment. Licenses valid for one year. Why choose Twitter Archive Eraser?
Best for new accounts with a few thousand tweets
Best for new accounts with a many thousands of tweets
The ultimate tier to clean up tweets from 12+ years ago
900K Downloads - 3.5 Billion tweets deleted!
See users deleting tweets with Twitter Archive Eraser on
Delete up to 1,000 tweets per week for free!
Contact us on Twitter for any further questions: @ArchiveEraser